Delivering Successful Environmental Projects Through Natural and Cultural Resource Management

At Happy Cow Designs, our commitment to environmental stewardship is at the core of everything we do. Our environmental professionals are dedicated to creating cost-effective, innovative, and low-impact solutions that align with best practices and guidance from oversight agencies. By collecting crucial environmental and historical background information for project sites, we ensure that our projects adhere to federal, state, and local regulations.

Environmental Service Areas

Cultural Resources

Our engineers at Happy Cow Designs are devoted to conscientious cultural resource management. We offer a range of services including architectural resources studies, feasibility studies, historic structure reports, structural condition assessments, and rehabilitation and restoration services. Our goal is to preserve and enhance cultural heritage while supporting the development of modern infrastructure.

Geologic and Water Quality Services

We believe that preserving and protecting the environment benefits all communities. Our team is committed to gathering accurate data and performing critical analysis before design and construction begin. This approach ensures that our projects are both sustainable and environmentally responsible.

Hazardous Material Compliance and Remediation

Happy Cow Designs conducts thorough environmental studies and assessments, regulatory compliance checks, and remediation design. Our comprehensive approach helps ensure that your project meets all applicable environmental regulations, safeguarding both the environment and the community.

Natural Resources

Our environmental team takes great pride in preserving, protecting, and improving the natural resources of our communities. We strive to implement solutions that not only meet project requirements but also enhance the natural beauty and biodiversity of the area.

NEPA and Environmental Documentation

At Happy Cow Designs, we conduct thorough environmental reviews in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to create successful, long-lasting projects that protect our precious environment. Our meticulous documentation process helps ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and standards.

Water and Wetlands

Our environmental professionals have significant experience in protecting waters and wetlands. We develop strategies to manage these vital resources responsibly, ensuring that our projects support both ecological health and community needs.

Happy Cow Designs is dedicated to delivering successful environmental projects through natural and cultural resource management. With our firm-wide commitment to environmental stewardship, we continue to create innovative solutions that benefit communities and the environment alike.

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