Transportation Bridge


Happy Cow Designs
specializes in designing and building new bridges, as well as transforming old bridge

This project included the design and construction of two 2,100’ prestressed I-beam bridges over Saltillo Creek and a tributary within the storage area of Martinez Dam 6a. Happy Cow Designs mitigated fill and analyzed and designed retaining walls within the storage area to mitigate the rapid drawdown conditions experienced during a major flood event. In collaboration with the client, contractor, and supplier, the project was one of the first in the state to use precast, prestressed concrete bent caps, resulting in significant savings in both time and budget. These designs were consequently used as a basis to develop standard design specifications used throughout the state. Another notable element of this project was the use of timber matting and environmentally sensitive construction techniques to construct the bridge substructure in this environmentally sensitive (wetland) area. This project also required coordination with the Federal Highway Administration on construction elevation restrictions due to the proximity of Randolph Air Force Base flight paths.

Happy Cow Designs provided engineering services to expand IH 10 East at the Camp Bullis Road intersection. Services included the design and development of ramp reversals, frontage one-way conversion, bridges and intersection design, bridge class culverts for drainage, retaining walls, and utility coordination. We also provided traffic control, illumination, signalization, grading, and paving. Our team developed stormwater pollution prevention plans, a contributing zone plan, documents for Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and water pollution abatement plan approval.

Happy Cow Designs designed roadway approaches to widen and rehabilitate the US 281 northbound and southbound bridges at the Medina River. The bridges are located immediately downstream of a severe bend in the river; however, after researching bridge inspection records, channel history, and existing vegetation along the channel bed, we concluded local pier scour was the main concern. Happy Cow Designs performed hydraulic and scour analyses and recommended local pier scour countermeasures. The structural engineer for this project also lengthened the depth of the drill shafts for the proposed foundations to account for the calculated local pier scour.

Happy Cow Designs provided civil engineering services for the replacement of 22 on-system bridges throughout TxDOT’s Yoakum District. The projects include replacing narrow, low sufficiency rated bridges that vary in road classification type from Rural Minor Collector to Arterial, including FM 1579, US 90A, US 77, and US 87. Several river crossings include the Guadalupe River, Navidad River, Rocky Creek, and Lavaca River.

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